Tactical Emergency Casualty Care

The NAEMT Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course teaches EMS practitioners and other prehospital providers how to respond to and care for patients in a civilian tactical environment.



TECC is a 2 day (16 hour) course that covers topics aimed at reducing preventable fatalities in tactical situations. Topics include:

Hemorrhage control, strategies for treating injured responders in hazardous environments surgical airway control, caring for pediatric patients, needle decompression, egress techniques, and many more

This is a course includes hands on simulation training as well as a classroom component



-> Duration:  2 days (8 hours each)

-> Type: In person

-> Target audience: Pre hospital providers such as EMTs, paramedics, RNs

-> Credentials: Students Will receive a TECC certification upon successful completion of the course.

-> CEU information: This course is accredited by CAPCE for 16 hours of continuing education credit, and recognized by NREMT.

Provider Course

16-hour classroom course for EMTs and paramedics. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion, a wallet card recognizing them as TECC providers for 4 years, and 16 hours of CAPCE credit.

Refresher Course

8-hour course for individuals who have successfully completed the 16-hour TECC provider course within the past four years. Current TECC provider certificate or wallet card required. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion and 8 hours of CAPCE credit.

TECC for Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders (TECC-LEO)

An 8-hour classroom course specifically designed for law enforcement officers and other non-EMS first responders. The course covers materials found in the 16-hour TECC provider course at a level appropriate for first responders. It includes 8 hours of content, which includes interactive lectures, skill stations, and patient simulations. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion, a wallet card recognizing them as a TECC-LEO provider for 4 years, and 8 hours of CAPCE credit for qualified participants.

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Contact us
Call: (609)-878-8551
Email: Info@PSTSJ.com